- 要从计算机上传文件,请单击“上传PDF文件”然后选择要加密的文件,或者将文件拖放到页面上。
- 要从 Dropbox、Google 云端硬盘或文件所在的网站上传文件,请展开下拉列表并选择您的文件。
- 对于免费账户,您可以一次上传一份文档,同时已升级的账户 可以批量处理和上传多达20 个文件。
2。 Open 密码 and Owner 密码
一个打开密码 is a password required when a document is accessed/viewed/opened。 To add an 打开密码, c创建一个强密码并将其输入到密码 textbox。 A 16-character password (or more) with numbers and symbols is highly recommended。
一个所有者密码is a password required to readers when they try to make changes on the document。 You can add this protection by clicking 更多选择 然后在下面填写一个不同的密码 Require a password to change permissions。
3。 Create Optional PDF Restrictions
You may also add restrictions to the use of your document。 Each feature and function can be limited by ticking the boxes on More Options。
For example: you can disable filling up forms, commenting on the document and modifying it by ticking the box in the selection。
You can also restrict printing, copying text, rotating pages, deleting pages or inserting pages。
4。 下載
创建密码并修改限制后,单击“Encrypt PDF。” 然后点击”下載” after processing to save it on your computer。 You may also save it in your online storage such as Dropbox or Google Drive, share it via email, print the new document, rename or even continue editing with a new task。